Our School Hosted the 205th Lecture of “Hong" Academic Lecture Series: How Robotics are Transforming Architecture and Cities

Date:2019-11-13            Number of clicks:886

On the evening of November 11, 2019, the lecture 205th of "Rainbow" Lecture Hall, sponsored by the Graduate School/Graduate Work Department, undertaken by the School of Architecture and co-organized by the Graduate Science and Technology Association of the university, was held as scheduled in the Bosheng lecture hall of the east courtyard of the main campus. Professor Mahesh Daas, president of the Boston School of Architecture, delivered a presentation titled "How Robotics are Transforming Architecture and Cities". More than 240 teachers and students from many colleges attended this lecture. The lecture was presided over by Liu Qibo, deputy dean of the School of Architecture.

Through the explanation of the development and application of intelligent robots, this lecture discussed the theme of "robots are physical agencies that can make decisions and set goals, and humans should establish an interactive relationship with robots", which was also derived from the book "EVEN WHEN THEY DO NOTHING, ROBOTS ARE EVOCATIVE". As presented first, professor Daas introduced the robot and divided it into biomorphic, mechanomorphic, polymorphic, amorpi four types, told the story of the application of robot in modern society, such as manufacturing products in industrial mechanical arm, in the military to conduct reconnaissance drones, driverless cars in the modern transportation, etc. He put forward the relationship between human beings and robots, and enlighten students on how to get along with robots, how to make use of robots and how to carry out urban construction in accordance with the development of robots in modern society.

Professor Daas stressed that in the development of modern cities, the development of robots is playing an important role in engineering construction. Technological inventions of robots, such as carbon fiber skin shaping, drone construction and bridge self-construction, are subverting the development model of our human society. At the same time, in terms of the relationship between human beings and robots, professor Daas said that people's attitude towards robots is changing from resistance to curiosity, anxiety and excitement, and human beings are gradually full of imagination in the development of robots.

Professor Daas discussed the topic of the lecture with the students, and had an in-depth discussion on how robots affect the natural environment and how to face the negative impact of robots. With the rapid development of robot technology, students not only need to understand robot construction technology, but also need to further consider the integration of architecture and mechanical technology, and the interaction between human and robot, which will be of great exploration significance.

Professor Mahesh Daas is a life member of the Association of Distinguished Professors, a peer review fellow at the National Science Foundation (NSF), and has been actively involved with federally funded agencies. He was President of the American Society for Architectural Computer-aided Design (Acadia) and a member of the editorial board of the International Journal of Architectural Computing. He is currently President of the Boston School of Architecture and a member of the editorial board of Architectural Robot Magazine. Professor Mahesh Daas co-authored the first comprehensive book Towards a Robotic Architecture in 2018, which was selected as the best science and technology book of 2018 by the architect.

Professor Mahesh Daas is also the author of The Academic Leadership and Aesthetic: Transformational Leadership by U.S. President Charles M. Vest. The book records how West and his team turned MIT from a "grey factory on the Charles river" into a world-class university through architecture, has been hailed by critics as "a journey of interdisciplinary scholarship". In 2013, he received management certificates from the University of Texas at Austin and Harvard University, and the award for Acadian Social Excellence in 2013. In 2011, he hosted a National Science Foundation Symposium titled "Research in Materials and Manufacturing." In 2010, served as a member of the NSF delegation to Israel to explore bilateral research opportunities in sustainable materials and technologies. In 2007, he won the second place in the national competition of "Solar Wall" held by American Institute of Architecture and U.S. Department of Energy in Washington. In 2001, professor Mahesh Daas was honored by the Kansas city chapter of the American Institute of Architecture for his design of the BMW dealer building.

The lecture poster

Professor Mahesh Daas

Professor Daas gave academic lectures

The lecture

 Students asked questions

Professor Dass answered questions

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